Germany bans Hezbollah

»It was about time«

Josef Schuster, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Foto: Rafael Herlich

The Central Council of Jews in Germany welcomed the decision of the German government, made earlier today, to ban the Hezbollah organisation in Germany. This measure was long overdue, the Central Council said. Last December, Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, finally voted in favor of a Hezbollah ban.

Iran Hezbollah, which has close ties to Iran and Lebanon, is not only responsible for the firing of rockets at Israel, but also for »many gory attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers«, according to the  Central Council’s statement.

Moreover, the council added that the Lebanese group »has organised attacks against Jewish and non-Jewish institutions worldwide, such as the attack on the Mykonos restaurant in Berlin in 1982«, and that »Hezbollah denies Israel’s right to exist and works to destroy Israel through military means.«

German authorities estimate that around 1,000 Hezbollah supporters and members are active in Germany. Most notably, they are visible at the annual Al-Quds March in Berlin. In Germany and Europe, Hezbollah generates funds for its terrorist activities through organised crime. »Hezbollah poses a clear threat to Jewish life and a danger for homeland security«, the Council further declares.

AL-QUDS MARCH Its president Josef Schuster praised the decision announced by the German government on Thursday morning: »It was high time for Germany to follow other countries and outlaw Hezbollah. Germany should not have, and must no longer, offer a safe haven to the supporters of an Islamist organisation which, motivated by deep hatred of Jews, incites others to violence and finances terrorist activities.«

»As part of its upcoming EU presidency, Germany should advocate for a complete ban of Hezbollah by the EU«, said Schuster. »A ban on the Al-Quds March would be another necessary and logical step to undertake«, he added.

(Übersetzung: Michael Thaidigsmann)


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