
Awards of the World Union of Jewish Students presented in Berlin

WUJS President Yana Naftalieva opens the gala in Berlin. Foto: Joshua Schultheis

In 1924, the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) was founded in Antwerp, Belgium. Its first president was Albert Einstein. 100 years later, Jewish students from around the world gathered to celebrate the centennial of WUJS and honor the most accomplished Jewish activists and national student unions of 2024. They convened in Berlin in early January of this year.

The current WUJS president, Yana Naftalieva, said at the opening of the gala: »Tonight, we celebrate the incredible achievements of each and every one of you — Jewish student leaders from all around the world — for the hard work and dedication you’ve shown over the past year.« The event took place in the facilities of the Jewish Congregation of Berlin. Sponsors of the evening included the World Jewish Congress (WJC), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Jewish Agency for Israel, and the Central Council of Jews in Germany.

Nine different awards and special prizes

The »Union of the Year« award went to the Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS), whose representatives had by far the longest journey to Berlin. »Over the past year, this union has achieved incredible milestones, including doubling its membership and expanding into new regions and campuses to strengthen Jewish student life,« praised Sam Kramer in his speech about AUJS’s achievements.

The »Political Activist of the Year« is Luca Spizzichino from Italy. Volker Beck, president of the German-Israeli Society (DIG), said about Spizzichino: »This award goes to an activist that has worked to advocate for the safety and wellbeing of Jewish students on campus nationally and internationally, engaging in important conversations with political and religious leaders, ranging from MEPs to university officials to the Pope.«

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The »Hersch Lauterpacht Leader of the Year Award,« named after a founder of WUJS, was awarded to the president of the Jewish Student Union of Germany (JSUD), Hanna Veiler. »Her efforts to combat antisemitism and empower Jewish students have not only worked to bring light to the problems faced by Jewish students around the world but also her remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication to justice and equality continue to inspire a new generation of leaders,« said Yoni Hammerman from the World Jewish Congress.

Additionally, a wide range of other awards were presented. The »Campaign of the Year« honors went to the projects »Jewish and Proud« by the South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) and »Vibrant and Sustainable Jewish Future in the EU« by the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS). The »Albert Einstein Award for Unique Contribution« was given to JSUD, primarily for organizing the WUJS meeting in Berlin. The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) received the »Special Award for Resilience,« while the French Union of Jewish Students (UEJF) was presented with the »Israel Engagement Award.«

The Federación Mexicana de Jóvenes Judíos (FeMeJJ) from Mexico was recognized with the »Event of the Year« award for their international congress for Jewish activists. The »Emerging Leaders« recognized were Daniel Frankel from South Africa, Jaqueline Smeke from Mexico, and Eliáš Skála-Rosenbaum from the Czech Republic.

Representation for 800,000 Jewish students

WUJS comprises 44 national and continental sub-organizations and represents approximately 800,000 Jewish students worldwide. The organization is based in Jerusalem. WUJS is governed by a board consisting of eleven members. These representatives are elected at the WUJS general assembly. In addition to the president, Shelly Wolkowicz currently serves as the organization’s CEO. js


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